First enter your Contact's phone number, or if he/she is already in your address book, click on his/her name and the phone number will be entered automatically. If you enter a number directly into the Phone Number field, will search the address book for this number, if it finds the number, it will show you the contact's name and will try to complete the number for you. If the number is not found in the address book, will tell you that it is an UnKnown Contact. After sending the SMS, will ask you if you want to add this new contact to your Address Book.
If you have categorized your contact's in the Address book, you will be able to choose the group you want from the drop down box above the Contact's list. This will make it easier to find the person you want.
You may notice a check mark next to a person's name in your contact's list, this means that you have asked to remind you to send an SMS to this person every X days, and that the time has come. This check mark will remain until you send that person an SMS. If you want to remove the checkmark without sending, you can press the Dismiss button. This will remove the checkmark and will tell to remind you to send an SMS to that person after the X days you have specified in the Address Book.
Next enter the message you want to send. The counter will show you how many characters you have remaining.
Then enter your name in the From field, so that the recipient will know who the SMS is coming from. can save a default signature for you, so you won't have to enter your name every time you want to send an SMS. Just click on the image next to the From field and your name will be entered automatically.
Finally choose the server you want to use for sending your SMS. To learn more about the MultiServer feature uses, please click Here.
Now you have 2 options, if you are connected to the internet, You can send the SMS immediately, but if you are offline you can send the SMS to the Outbox, where it will be stored for you until you connect to the internet.
has added more Features for you, if you want to put more text in the SMS but there is no more space left, you can use the Strip or Squeeze functions. To learn more about this feature please click Here.
is now able to send Arabic SMS's, to learn more about this feature please click Here.
also enables you to send the same SMS to many contacts easily, to learn more about this feature please click Here.